Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Sketches: 30th-31th May

 So, here's another batch of sketches. I think I'm getting better at them.

 This is Elizabeth, another character from Doug, and if you want to know more about her and the project she's in, follow this link.

 She's based on Sammy Jo Wilkinson, following the trend of Epic Fail characters to be incredibly good looking. Her reference picture is on this page, it is a few posts down though. I would link you to the page I used for her picture, but the first time I went on it, I got a pop-up ad for 'she-male cams'. I do not wish to share my misfortune with the rest of the world.

  A moose. I got the reference picture here. I am eternally sorry for making you have anything to do with the Daily Mail, it just happened to be the site the picture I liked most from a Google search was on.

I have to thank my mate Glen on twitter for the suggestion.

 A lion. I call him Dave, the moose was Zeke.

 Dave's reference was found here.

  This is Antinanco, he's from a video game project of mine where an old testament Yahweh like god is ending the world. He is fighting with a Satan like entity during this apocalypse. It is the inherited duty of Antinanco to stop the end of the world with the assistance of his undead spirit guide Ichabod and champion Sunny.

 He's a member of a culture based on a combination of Sioux, Mapuche and Maori culture and rituals (I may have a post about it sometime in the future). As a consequence of this, he's based on Eddie Spears, a Sioux actor, I used this picture of him for the face and another picture to add in the hair.

 This is Maellin, another of Doug's characters from one of his video game projects. He's based on Luke Mitchell from Home and Away in appearance. He's also a complete moron, so he'd fit right in on Home and Away.

 I used this shirtless picture for reference.

 This is another picture of Phoenix Wright, this time based on the appearance of Hiroki Narimiya his actor in the upcoming movie.

 I used this picture as reference, and have not done the man justice. Also, I tried and failed to get his hair to look right.

 So, that's the lot. As usual, I'd appreciate any comments and constructive criticisms you may have.

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